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Here at UK Laboratory Services we repair service and calibrate a wide range of laboratory equipment, instruments, and appliances such as incubators, ult freezers, centrifuges both bench top and floor standing, safety cabinets, workstations, andrology stations and laminar flow and flow cabinets both class 1 and class 2.

We have engineers trained on Beckman Coulter, IVF tech and Origio clean air workstations and cabinets along with K systems, Thermo Fisher Scientific, ESCO fertilsafe IVF workstations, Shivani supraclean IVF workstations and laminar flow cabinets, Panasonic incubators and freezers, New Brunswick, Eppendorf, Sanyo Gallenkamp ovens and orbital shaker incubators, UK Laboratory services Ltd List of laboratory equipment, instruments and appliances & manufactures Covered Equipment CO2 & O2 Incubator Water Jacketed CO2 Incubator Cooled Incubator Orbital Incubator Incubator Shakers Bench Top Centrifuge Floor standing Centrifuge Incubator Oven Oven Vacuum Oven ULT -80 Freezer Fridge Blood Bank Environmental chamber Water purifier Safety Cabinets Plate Readers Plate washers Rapid stacks Autoclaves Furnace Wellwash AC Multidrop Combi Multiskan Spectrum Centrifuge Air Cooled Thermal Cycler Drying Oven, Orbital Shaker Incubator CryoMed Freezer Varioskan Flash Centrifuge Refrigerated Autobomb Autoflash, Manufacturers Sanyo Gallenkamp Panasonic Weiss Thermo Fisher Scientific Kendro Heal Force Smart Cell Walker Miele Heraeus Sorvall Eppendorf Jouan Astell Scientific Barnstead Bibby Sterilin Calypso Caravel Carbolite Clifton Cyclon Elga Eppendorf Fisher Scientific Fisherbrand Fistreem Fitotron Gerber Grant Heidolph Labcaire Labcold Lec LMS LTE Medline Memmert MSE Nuaire New Brunswick Prior Clave Revco Astell Scientific Barnstead Bibby Sterilin Buchi Calypso Caravel Carbolite Clifton Cyclon Elga Eppendorf Fisher Scientific Fisherbrand Fistreem Fitotron Gerber Grant Heidolph IImvac Infors Infors ht KNF Neuberger Labcaire Labcold Lec LMS LTE Medline Memmert MSE New Brunswick Prior Clave Revco ULT Freezer Techne UHQ Viva Science Sanyo Gallenkamp Panasonic Weiss Thermo Fisher Scientific Kendro Heal Force Smart Cell Walker Miele Glass washer Heraeus incubators Sorvall Centrifuge Eppendorf Jouan incubators and centrifuges.