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UK Laboratory Services maintain repair, carryout preventative maintenance service contract visits and IQ, OQ, PQ verification of most types of Safety Cabinets, IVF Cabinets, Laminar Flow Cabinets, Fume Cabinets, Fume Cupboards.
Here at UK laboratory services our technicians & engineers have a vast amount of training and experience on a large range of laboratory equipment appliances and instruments. We mainly cater for the Health Care, Pharmaceutical and Food Industries as well as Academic Institutions. We not only Service, Repair, Calibrate, Validate, IQ OQ PQ, perform emergency breakdown calls around the UK and carry out PM or Preventative maintenance contracts on nearly all types of lab equipment but we also do this work in the following environments, Bio medical labs, Pathology departments, Stem cell research, Cell culture, Tissue culture, Air Quality and Water Analysis laboratories and environments. Other area of expertise are IVF Clinics, Bioprocess Production, Clinical and Diagnostics, Lab Automation and Information Systems, Life Science, Microbiology, Pathology labs & departments, Radiation Measurement and Security, Chromatography and Mass Spectrometry, Spectroscopy and Elemental Analysis, Diagnostics and Healthcare, Environmental, Food and Beverage, Forensics Safety and Security, Police forensics, Industrial Production, Life Science Research & Pharma and Biopharma We are experts in the IVF clinic field and cover all instruments from class 2 cabinets and hoods, centrifuges to co2 plus multi gas incubators and cryogenic storage in CBS tanks.
We also specialise in biosafety labs and work under bio contaminant precaution levels of Category 1 to category 5 with the lowest risk being CAT 1. When at higher biosafety levels, precautions may include airflow systems, multiple containment rooms, sealed containers, positive pressure personnel suits, established protocols for all procedures, extensive personnel training, and high levels of security to control access to the facility. All of which our engineers are experienced in these types of environments up to CAT 5 level. We also have trained engineers on the following, tube warmers, hot plates, warming plates and trolleys, straw sealers, tube sealer, anti-vibration tables, Z table, heated table top, Microscopes, warming block, magnetic shelf and mini incubators. air injectors, anti vibration table, autobomb, autoclave Standard, autoclave Large, autoflas, autogas changer, baths, Orbital shakers, orbital incubators, block heater, vortex mixer, air filtration unit, Centrifuge refrigerated, Centrifuge, Compressor, cyclon water stills, cytomat incubators, cytomat robotic arms, freezers ult, freezers bench, fridges bench, fridges pharmaceutical, furnaces, gas changeover unit, tube warmer, tube heater, Tube sealer, Straw sealer, incubator CO2 O2 N2, incubator muiltigas, Water jacketed CO2 Incubator, incubator no gas, incubator orbital, incubator cooled, ivf tech fume cupboard, ivf tech fume cupboard, cryogenic ln2 dewer, cryogenic ln2 storage, wellwash AC, ULT -80 Freezer, Fridge, Blood bank, UK Laboratory services Ltd List of Equipment & manufactures Covered Equipment CO2 & O2 Incubator Water jacketed CO2 Incubator Cooled Incubator Orbital incubator Incubator Shakers Bench Top Centrifuge Floor standing Centrifuge Incubator oven Oven Vacuum Oven ULT -80 Freezer Fridge Blood bank Environmental chamber Water purifier Safety Cabinets Plate Readers Plate washers Rapid stacks Auto claves Furnace Wellwash AC Multidrop Combi Multiskan Spectrum Centrifuge Air Cooled Thermal Cycler Drying Oven Orbital Shaker Incubator CryoMed Freezer Varioskan Flash Centrifuge Refrigerated Autobomb Autoflash Manufactures Sanyo Sanyo Gallenkamp Panasonic Weiss Thermo fisher scientific Kendro Heal Force Smart Cell Walker Miele Heraeus Sorvall Eppendorf Jouan Astell Scientific Barnstead Bibby Sterilin Calypso Caravel Carbolite Clifton Cyclon Elga Eppendorf Fisher Scientific Fisherbrand Fistreem Fitotron Gerber Grant Heidolph Labcaire Labcold Lec LMS LTE Medline Memmert MSE Nuaire New Brunswick Prior Clave Revco CO2 Incubator Bench Top Centrifuge Floor standing Centrifuge Incubator oven Oven Vacuum Oven Orbital incubator Environmental chamber Water purifier Safety Cabinets Plate Readers Plate washers Rapid stacks Auto claves Furnace Incubator Shakers electronic pipette wellwash ac multidrop combi multiscan spectrum air cooled centrifuge thermal cycler drying oven autoclave standard orbital shaker incubator cryomed freezer varioskan flash refrigerated centrifuge autobomb autoflash multidrop combi, orbital shakers, oven standard, oven vacuum, pipette General, pipette Multi, plate readers, plate washers, rapid stacks, speedvac concentrators, steam sterilisers, thermometer, vacuum concentrators, vacuum pumps and water purifiers.
All major laboratory equipment covered including:
IVF Tech | Flow Sciences | Terra Universal | Lamsystems |
Scanlaf | Germfree | The Baker Company | Telstar |
K-Systems | Haldeman-Homme | Thermo Fisher Scientific | Moonmed |
Origio | HEMCO | Z-SC1 Corporation | Maan |
AirClean Systems | Kewaunee Scientific | Euro Lone | Tecniplast |
Clean Air Products | LABCONCO | Berner | Labconco |
Erlab | NuAire | Bio Base | |
ESCO | Sentry Air Systems | Life Science |

Thermo Fisher Scientific RapidStak Automated Microplate Stacker & Fluoroskan Ascent Microplate Fluorometer microplate reader calibrated by UK lab services. Very good service by this company who we have recommended to our other departments.